University Help

Studying abroad can be a stressful and time-consuming process. Do you want to study at an American or European university and you don't know the process very well? Create an account on Jadha Education. We have many articles and advisors who can help you. Don't waste any more time, contact us! Create your account here or Book an appointment now

Housing Search

If you're going to study in a new country and don't yet have an apartment, the Jadha Education team can help. In fact, we can put you in touch with serious home owners who will give you an affordable price.

Documents Translation

At Jadha Education we have certified translators. If you have official documents to translate for your studies abroad, don't stress. Jadha Education takes care of everything. Most of your documents will be translated within 48 hours.


A huge amount of student advised.


Most of the students we helped were satisfied.


All your documents translated within 48 hours.

Why you should work with us ?:

Head Office
Montreal, Québec
(438) 897-8500
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